Saturday Aug 14, 2021
1P 218 - OctoDice
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
This week Julius and I talk about the dice game OctoDice. This is a small roll-n-write set in the AquaSphere universe. AquaSphere is a game by designer Stephan Feld, who is known for making point salad games. Just about everything you do, you get points. This game, by Christoph Toussaint is also a point salad game. It's light and fun for me, but Julius finds it much less satisfying. Find out why!
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
1P 217 - Raxxon comes back to the table
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
This episode is a revisit to the zombie avoiding game Raxxon. This game was originally published by Plaid Hat games and is now owned by the large corporate Asmodee. In this prequal to Dead of Winter, a large corporation has been turning people into zombies. Your goal is to get as many all healthy people out of the city as the zombie population grows. Fortunately it's a small city with only 30 healthy people and 30 zombies.
This is an interesting game of manipulating cards on a tableau to remove the healthy characters. The act of doing this means that over time you have more unhealthy cards in the tableau and that just makes the game harder and harder. It's interesting and it's really hard (for me) but if played well (like Julius) you can actually win!
Anyway, check out this older game. It's worth revisiting.
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
1P 216 - Gloomhavens
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
This episode Julius and I talk Gloomhaven. Julius has the big giant original game and I have the baby brother Jaws of the Lion. We talk about the two game and compare them a bit. Check out what we think in this longer than normal esisode. Then go listen to the latest episode of Meeple, Myself and I to hear what Jason, an unabashed Gloomhaven lover things about the two games.
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
1P 215 - Underwater Cities
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
This week Julius teaches us about Underwater Cities. Listen carefully though.. this game is overflowing with ocean puns. Actually, Julius tossed in more puns than I had realized until I started editing. I can't fathom how he comes up with them, but regardless, the game itself is really interesting.
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
1P 214 - Blume
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
This week's episode gets us outside, figuratively, when Julius tells us about a Kickstarter game he received recently. This is the very pretty looking Blume.
- Blume (BGG)
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
1P 213 - Noctiluca
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
This week Julius and I talk about Noctiluca. It's a neat little-ish game about bio-luminescent single-celled organisms. I argued they are plankton and Julius called them jellyfish. I won the argument during the show but apparently in scientific circles the verdict is still out. Anyway, we all know, Noctiluca are really dice!
Make sure to check out the video linked below.. it's quite amazing.
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
1P 212 - Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
This week Julius tells us about a Scooby-Doo themed escape room game. I tend to be uninterested in film & tv tie-ins, but this one sounds pretty cool!
- Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion (BGG)
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
1P 211 - Flashback: Fire Rescue - a look at expansions
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Hot off the heels of the anniversary shows, Julius and I take a look at an older game. The game is Flash Point: Fire Rescue and it has a half dozen or so expansions. Julius has played this a lot and I've dabbled in it every once in a while. Listen in and see how we feel about these expansions.
- Flash Point: Fire Rescue (BGG)
Friday Jun 11, 2021
1P 210 - Happy Anniversary, take 3
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Well, this is it. This is the final episode in the solo podcasting series we've been doing. This time around we have three more interesting and, again, very unique shows. This episode runs a bit long but I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
- 01:52 - Once Upon a Die (Podcast, BGG guild)
- 26:30 - 1 Stop Co-op (Podcast)
- 43:58 - More Games Than Time (Podcast, Forums, BGG podcast page, Improvised Radio Theatre with Dice podcast)
The featured games
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
1P 209 - Happy Anniversary, take 2
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
The anniversary party continues! This week Julius and I split up to talk to two more solo gaming podcasts. I am personally enjoying these a lot and really just REALLY LOVE the variety each of the shows brings. They each have their own charm and are really worth checking out.
- 01:21 - Solo BG (Spotify, RSS, Podcast en Español, RSS en Español, Facebook)
- 24:17 - Solosaurus (Podcast)
Games mentioned
Saturday May 29, 2021
1P 208 - Happy Anniversary!
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
This week is the 10th anniversary of the 1 Player Podcast! Wow, huh!? When the show started there wasn't much talk of solo gaming in the podcast world, with at least the notable exception of the EXCELLENT Print and Play podcast which was hosted by FNH1. it wasn't specifically solitaire, but quite often featured solo games. Well in 10 years things have changed and we are lucky to have quite a variety of solo gaming shows to enjoy. We are bringing on as many of the solo gaming podcasts as we can to give you a taste of what's out there. You will see as you listen to the discussions that they are all interesting and quite different. There is a lot more than we can fit into a single episode so this discussion will go over the next few weeks!
- 04:14 - Meeple, Myself and I (podcast, review geeklist)
- 18:11 - Stop Somewhere (podcast, Instagram)
- 29:57 - Always Player One (podcast, Facebook)
Some of the mentioned games
Saturday May 22, 2021
1P PSA - It's Dark This Week
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
This very special announcement is here just to tell you there is no show this week. Tune back in next week!
Saturday May 15, 2021
1P 207 - Friday
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
It's back to the table with Friday! I hadn't played this game in six years. Julius and I took the time to re-visit this solo classic.
Saturday May 08, 2021
1P 206 - 5-Minute Mystery
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
Someone's stolen the MacGuffin! What do we do? You've got five minutes to study the crime scene and find clues to lead you to the culprit. This is a real-time family game that can be played solo and it sounds pretty fun.
Saturday May 01, 2021
1P 205 - Magic Maze
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
This week Julius and go to the mall! More like we go to a magical mall and get lost. We are talking about Magic Maze, the real-time mall crawling fantasy game. If the theme makes no sense, that's okay. This is a fast playing game for 1 to something like 6 players. Instead of controlling a character, you control individual actions for all the characters. It's a neat concept that works great for multiplayer...
- Magic Maze (BGG)